Monthly Parking Subscriptions
Find your dedicated car park for 24/7 access
Business & Corporate
Monthly Parking Plans
This is the most flexible option. Cancel anytime!
Monthly payments are auto-renew on a month to month basis until you no longer need it.
(i.e. a one month subscription beginning on 5/3 would renew on 6/3, 7/3, etc.). *Terms vary per operator.
3 Month Subscription
This is the most cost-effective option. Pay for 3 months at a time and save up 10%.
Monthly payments are on auto renew every 3 month period.
(i.e. a three month subscription beginning on 5/3 would renew on 8/3, 11/3, etc.). *Terms vary per operator.
Personal Monthly Parking Plans
Give $50, Get $50!
Share your referral code with co-workers, friends, or family and earn up to $150 credits.
How Do I Refer-a-Friend?
Access your billing portal and locate your unique referral code! When a friend signs up for a parking subscription with your code, you both will receive a $50 credit.
Get money off your monthly invoice every 6 months!
Why Choose Secure-a-Spot?
We’ve got options & savings!
No 30 Cancellation Policy
YES! You really read “No 30 day cancellation policy”
Our monthly parking is based on a subscription level at most locations, we don’t require you to give us 30 days.
Cancel at anytime and you will not be charged on the upcoming renewal date.
If your location says there is there a 30-day cancellation policy implemented it will be stated in your terms & conditions.
Monthly Promotions
Make sure you open those emails we send you. You just never know when you get a coupon code for monthly parking savings! We don’t mean to brag, but we know our discounts are good and you can’t get them anywhere else.
You can alway follow us on social media as well.